UK Photographer

Craig Taylor-Broad Photography Blog

Portrait, Music, Street, Flowers, Documentary and Events Photography Blog in Cornwall, UK

Silly Adults

This series of portraits was conceived and finalised last year in 2014.

The idea at the time was that from a very young age, we are forced to be adult. Initially there is a lot of rebellion in us, but year by year the innocent silly parts of ourselves are for the majority of the time hidden. This set of portraits then, one serious and one silly, was an attempt to bring out that childish element.

I remember releasing some of these images, but being absolutely fed up and annoyed at the outcome. What was meant to be a series of genders, ethnicity and most importantly, age actually became the opposite. And what this series showed me is that the majority of people I know, the older the become, the more unwilling they were to either 1. be silly, or 2. have their photograph taken (being wrinkly, or considering themselves 'ugly' being the main reason for this).

I feel like it's important, as you grow older, to accept that your body will change, and the concept of beauty will also change, but that it will still maintain beauty, even if it is born from your experiences, and conflicts overcome. I also think, now more than ever, that it is paramount to be ridiculously silly every once in awhile in order to create a happiness in ourselves that can't be achieved from being so serious.

So then, here is the final series of images in all its glory. It's not all that it could, or should have been. But it's still something.